Welcome to EMISA
As a non-profit-making business association EMISA represents the interests of independent manufacturers, suppliers and service providers operating in the marine engine and related equipment markets.
“Coming together is a beginning,
working together is a success.”
Our aims are

Free access to the market.

Fair competition.

Innovation to ensure long-term sustainable transport solutions.

A regulatory framework, which supports these aims.
We seek to support our aims by lobbying organisations involved with the IMO, the EU, and other related national bodies and ministries.
In addition we offer advice and information on legal issues in order to prevent or protect members from becoming victims of aggressive anti-competitive actions, which may be taken by some of the larger corporations in our industry.
We provide a forum in which to exchange ideas and experiences as well as to keep up with the latest developments in the industry. As independent companies, our members offer value, reliability and service, subscribing fully to our Code of Ethics.